Slice of life moments exist all around us in the Washington DC area.
Here are but a few photos of the new Congress who meet on Thursday for Swearing-In Ceremonies. Perhaps the most emotional moments were seen on the Senate side of the Capitol where Senator Mark Kirk (R-ILL) returned to work some 348 days after suffering a stroke. As a result of the stroke the Senator had to relearn how to walk. Vice President Joe Biden along with good friends, Senators, family and a large contingent of Chicago based media were on hand to witness his return – along with yours truly.
Enjoy these slices of life from the US Capitol – January 3, 2013
Women Democratic lawmakers gather on the East Capitol steps.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) front and center with Iraq Veteran Rep. Tammy Duckworth to the right (Pelosi’s left).
Sen Mark Kirk (R-ILL) with Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance Gainer climbing the Senate Steps
Vice President Joe Biden awaits along with many Senate members for Senator Mark Kirk to make his way up the Senate steps.
Sen Mark Kirk (R-ILL) jokes with the Vice President, as Senators Manchin and Durbin before climbing the Senate Steps
With Senators and family encouragement Sen Mark Kirk with the help of Sen Joseph Mancin and Vice President Joe Biden (far right) begin the climb up to the top
Photo op moment for all. Biden, Kirk, Manchin and Durbin.
A Wide Angled view of the gathering
Senator Ben Cardin, his wife Myrna and Vice President Joe Biden at Swearing In reenactment in the Old Senate Chamber.
Myrna Cardin leaves her Husband Senator Ben Cardin’s swearing in reenactment in the Old Senate Chamber.